Friday, October 4, 2019

Below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Below - Essay Example After deciding I wanted to commit myself abroad, I decided to enroll in the Paris Summer Program. I felt that this program would offer me a hand on opportunity for me to further enhance and test my control of the French language in real life experience, something that could only be achieved by working overseas. I also knew that this would also help me complete the requirements of my French major. Beside just this, I would also become integrated and introduced to a new and exciting culture, as well as the different ideas and thought patterns of the French people. I feel this is invaluable experience, and an experience that can only be truly attained by working with the culture first hand in that very country. This will also help me to expand my horizons as an International Relations major, and will help be learn how to work with other cultures, a valuable experience for one like me who wishers to further become involved in the field of International Relations. One of my aspirations an d greatest dream is to work with an international organization in Switzerland, which is a Francophone country.

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